Colouring books are a great alternative to art therapy and can help you relax, reduce stress and boost mental clarity. Some therapists believe that colouring takes us back to our childhood when life was simpler. This well-established technique was practised by Psychologists such as Carl Jung over 100 years ago where he had his patients colouring mandalas to help with relaxation and self-discovery.
Combine the power of positive words with the practice of colouring and you have a powerful tool to unleash your creativity and raise your consciousness.
In the WellBeing Soul Colour Series, we combine words for you to focus on as you colour in beautifully hand-drawn illustrations. The process of sitting down to spend time colouring is in itself a type of meditation, allowing you to suspend thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Colouring has been shown to alter heart rate and brainwaves in ways that reflect reduced stress and anxiety. Colouring can also facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts with positive ones and this is enhanced by “meditating” on an uplifting word as you colour.
This book provides the opportunity for daily meditative practice using beautiful concepts and images that unlock your creative self and set your spirit free.
Dive in … colour your life the hues you want it to be
In the WellBeing Soul Colour Series we combine words for you to focus on as you colour in beautifully hand-drawn illustrations. The process of sitting down to spend time colouring is in itself a type of meditation, allowing you to suspend thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Colouring has been shown to alter heart rate and brainwaves in ways that reflect reduced stress and anxiety. Colouring can also facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts with positive ones and this is enhanced by “meditating” on an uplifting word as you colour.
Additional Information
Year published: 2020
Size: 210mm x 297mm
Pages: 96
Material: made from premium quality paper