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WellBeing is the authoritative resource on natural health and living for clever, compassionate, curious people who’re seeking an authentic and soulful way of life. Through its informative, practical articles on ethical living, wholefood cooking, environmental affairs, alternative therapies, natural health and yoga, WellBeing has been inspiring and educating for more than 30 years, and continues to set the standard for its independent coverage of these areas.
At WellBeing, we get that life isn’t just about surviving — it’s also a series of choices about who you want to be and the world you hope to live in.
WellBeing Shop is hosted by Universal WellBeing under licence to Universal Media Co, Australia’s largest niche publisher. Universal Media Co has given us the professionalism, strength, clout and capacity to reach more readers throughout Australia and New Zealand than any other natural health magazine.
Our team also produce EatWell, WellBeing Astrology, WellBeing Yoga Experience, WellBeing Esoteric Almanac, annual calendars and one-off releases including WellBeing Fitness, WellBeing Diabetes and WellBeing Detox.