Gratitude, which is derived from the Latin word “gratia”, means thankfulness or gratefulness. Being grateful is a nourishing emotional state that allows you to feel true contentment in life. It’s a way of being that enables you to focus on what you do have, rather than what you don’t have.
Allow your daily gratitude practice to be a sanctuary for reflecting on what you’re grateful for. Use pages 34-133 to write down each moment you’re thankful for in your life. From the ordinary day-to-day experiences to the more special moments, each requires the same level of presence to be acknowledged and appreciated. We couldn’t recommend a more balanced, easeful and calm way to show up in the world.
Allow your daily gratitude practice to be a sanctuary for reflecting on what you’re grateful for. Use pages 34-133 to write down each moment you’re thankful for in your life. From the ordinary day-to-day experiences to the more special moments, each requires the same level of presence to be acknowledged and appreciated. We couldn’t recommend a more balanced, easeful and calm way to show up in the world.