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Create Your Dream Life Bookazine
Create Your Dream Life Bookazine
Create Your Dream Life Bookazine
Create Your Dream Life Bookazine
Create Your Dream Life Bookazine

Create Your Dream Life Bookazine

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Create Your Dream Life teaches us how to recognise and develop the personal internal power needed to attain happiness and fulfilment in our lives, along with the psychological (and spiritual) skills needed to positively navigate this world, skills that have never been more needed than now. It shows a path to develop ‘coherent head-heart energy’ and the belief in oneself despite the circumstances.

Within this bookazine you can find the clearly defined steps and tips that you can utilise yourself, or even better, work through the exercises with a special friend or partner, to create the life you deserve.


  • How to design your dream life
  • Goal groundwork
  • Creating what counts
  • Visionary imagination
  • Progress over perfection
  • And so much more!

Additional Information

Year published: 2022

Size: 220mm x 300mm

Pages: 122

Material: made from premium quality paper